Executive Board Meeting

December 2018

The Columbia Chapter of Health Physics Society invites you to an open meeting of the CCHPS Executive Board

Following topics will be addressed:

Your support is extremely valuable to us and your participation in this discussion will be greatly appreciated. 


Thursday December 13, 2018

Please RSVP by December 12, 2018


5:30 – 7:00 pm


Pizza will be provided (please contribute  a dish)




NV5, Conference room

1835 Terminal Drive, Suite 200, Richland, WA 99354

Best wishes for a happy holiday season and our sincere thanks for your loyalty and goodwill throughout the year

Health Physics Training

The Columbia Chapter of the Health Physics Society offers a 13-week course for individuals preparing for the American Board of Health Physics (ABHP) Part I and II certification exam and for those who want a refresher course in health physics. 

Learn more about HP Refresher Course