Technical Meeting
Mark Deacon, technical manager for radiation detection at Thermo Fisher Scientific: Alpha, beta, gamma and x-ray radiation: a consideration of advantages using a dual phosphor probe for uranium and transuranium contamination monitoring; and RadEye HEC+ Training and Workshop
David J. Allard: NORM and TENORM in Pennsylvania - a Case Study
Social Meeting
CCHPS/ANS Joint Social Event: Water2Wine Cruise
Business Meeting
CCHPS Business Meeting
George Tabatadze & Sergey Tolmachev: Tour of the United States Transuranium & Uranium Registries (USTUR)
Ed Wallace: Gamma Energy Analysis Non Destructive Assay(NDA) of Hanford Legacy Waste Objects
Angela Leek: Radiological Operations Support Specialist (ROSS) operations
Elizabeth Brackett: Update from the HPS President