Online Lecture
Terry Hamilton, Scientific Director, Marshall Islands Dose Assessment & Radioecology Program, Lawrence Livemore National Laboratory: History of Cs-137 exposure in the Marshall Islands based on whole-body counting
Ian Milgate, Manager of Engineering and Design Authority, WTP: Vit Plant’s Journey to Melter Heatup
Presented by Dr. Kathryn Higley, CHP, Oregon State University: Radioecology – what the *beep* is that?
Business Meeting
CCHPS Business Meeting
Yuni Dewaraja, PhD, University of Michigan Medical: Radiopharmaceutical therapy: value of dosimetry guided treatment
John Cardarelli II, HPS President-elect: Is it time to rethink applying LNT for low dose environments?
Parker Foundation Virtual Lecture Series. David J. Allard: Radium in Pennsylvania - Miracle or Menace
CCHPS Affiliate Members