Affiliate MEMBERS Meeting
MAY 2018
We would like to invite you to the CCHPS Affiliate Member Meeting on May 24th, in Richland Community Center located at 500 Amon Park Drive, Richland, WA. The meeting will start with a social hour at 6:00 pm followed by a dinner at 6:30 pm. Presentations will start at 7:00 pm. The meeting will take place in the Comunity Center's Activity Room which offers a great view of the Howard Amon Park and Columbia River!
Taylor Haby from CANBERRA and Boe Reynolds from ORTEC will present a cutting-edge technology and discuss applications relevant to challenges faced by the local radiation safety community.
Taylor Haby will be presenting the replacement to the ASM1000 – aptly called the ASM-2000. The ASM-2000 has the same software interface as the ASM-1000 it runs software on a tablet, with a glove-touchable and outdoor-readable display designed for extreme weather conditions. The proven ASM-1000/NetCAM algorithms are maintained while the platform it sits on was upgraded to be more flexible, powerful, and user-friendly. The ASM-2000 will eventually be compatible with the Canberra SCADA system Horizon.
Boe Reynolds will give a technical presentation on the newest products at ORTEC and provide a brief explanation of their applications. The following products will be covered in this presentation: Radeagle, Radeaglet, Detective X, and DSPEC-A series MCA. Detectability of RADON and Am-241 in the field using the Detective 200 will also be discussed highlighting a recent case study at Hanford.
Reservations are accepted until Monday, May 21st.
Thursday May 24, 2018
6:00 – 6:30 pm Social
6:30 – 7:00 pm Dinner
7:00 pm Presentations
7:00 – 7:30 pm Taylor Haby (CANBERRA)
7:30 – 8:00 pm Boe Reynolds (ORTEC)
$22.00 per person
Payment can be made with cash or check at the event
NOTE: Members who do not cancel their RSVP by Monday, May 21st will be held responsible for the cost of attendance.
Olive Garden Catering
Grilled Chicken
Italian Sausage
Spaghetti & Fettuccine Pasta
Alfredo, Meat Sauce & Marinara
Fresh Baked Breadsticks
Location Richland Community Center
500 Amon Park Drive, Richland, WA 99352