CCHPS Meeting

HPS President-elect visiting Columbia Chapter

Eric M Goldin, Ph.D., CHP

Nuclear Plant Decommissioning – Challenges and Opportunities – or How to spend a health physics career transitioning from operations through decommissioning

Presenter: Eric M Goldin, Ph.D., CHP

Many US nuclear power plants are preparing for retirement due to aging and market forces. Some ceased operations in recent years, some retired decades ago. Commercial nuclear power plant decommissioning presents many challenges for radiation safety professionals, many of these challenges are not typical for operating power plants. Radiation protection controls apply to everything from the cutup of highly activated reactor internals to the measurement of environmental levels of radionuclides in soil. This presentation will provide a brief overview of plant operations, followed by shutdown – modification of programs, staff reductions; reactor internals cutup, large component removal – high activity, particles, transportation; dismantlement – materials management and site restoration; used fuel management, ISFSI loading – neutrons, decontamination; and MARSSIM surveys – scrutiny, license termination.

All of the above require comprehensive radiation safety program execution, some operational programs are retained, some revised, and some new ones are necessary, all to be accomplished during staffing reductions, responsibility shifts, and regulatory and public oversight.


Thursday November 8, 2018

Reservations are accepted until November 5, 2018


5:30 – 6:00 pm  Social

6:00 - 7:00 pm  Dinner

7:00 – 8:00 pm  Presentation 



$25.00 per person

NOTE: Members who do not cancel their RSVP by Monday, November 5th will be held responsible for the cost of attendance


CG Public House (9221 W Clearwater, Kennewick WA 99336)