2019 CCHPS Awards

WSU WINE SCIENCE CENTER  |  THUR. MAY 23, 2019  |  5:30 - 7:00 PM


5:30 - 6:00   Reception

6:00 - 6:30   Plenary Session

6:30 - 7:00   CCHPS Awards

Mid-Columbia Science Fair

On March 14 - 15, the Columbia Chapter of Health Physics Society participated in the Mid-Columbia Regional Science and Engineering Fair. Projects entered into the regional fair were judged by professionals in applicable fields, including judges from the Columbia Chapter. Two high school projects were chosen for the CCHPS awards. Each student is awarded a certificate and $150 check. Congratulations to both award recipients!

Gabriel Dosher - West Valley Junior High

Evelyn Cortez - Sunnyside High School

Scholarship Awards

The Columbia Chapter of Health Physics Society is proud to announce that two scholarships of $1,000 were awarded to students in a health physics-related educational path at an accredited institutions. Congratulations to both scholarship recipients!

Abby Eastman - Idaho State University 

Andy Tiemens - Columbia Basin College

CCHPS Awards

2019 CCHPS Award nominations were received for Herbert M Parker Award, John P. Corley Meritorious Service Award, Health Physicist of the Year, Early Career Health Physicist of the Year, and Radiation Safety Technologist of the Year.

Congratulations to all award recipients!

2019 Award Recipient: Timothy Lynch

This award is given in recognition of technical contribution to the health physics profession. Criteria include accomplishment of fundamental importance to the practice, acceptance, and advancement of the health physics profession; including exceptional accomplishment of service to the health physics profession or the HPS. In 1989, approval was obtained to include all past, current, and future recipients of the H. M. Parker Award as Lifetime Members of the CCHPS. 

2019 Award Recipient: Robert English

This award is given in special recognition of service as warranted. Candidates shall have provided exemplary service to promote the health physics profession and supported the objectives of the CCHPS. Candidate shall have made significant contributions to the CCHPS, for example through service as an officer, as member of the Executive Council or as a member of a committee.

2019 Award Recipient: Jeff Marks

Nominees for this award shall be applied Health Physicist who were employed within the geographic region covered by the Columbia Chapter Health Physics Society (CCHPS) during the calendar year for which the award is made. The nominees shall have contributed significantly to the field of Health Physics. 

2019 Award Recipient: James Franz

Nominees for this award shall be current CCHPS and HPS members who shall not have reached their 40th birthday prior to January 1st of the calendar year in which the award is made and who were employed within the geographic region covered by the Columbia Chapter Health Physics Society (CCHPS) during the calendar year for which the award is made. The nominees shall have a minimum of three years’ health physics experience. 

2019 Award Recipient: Casey Johnson

Nominees for this award shall be applied radiation safety technologists who were employed within the geographic region covered by the CCHPS during the calendar year for which the award is made. The nominees shall have a minimum of three (3) years’ experience in radiation safety. Criteria include: professional excellence in health physics, and peer recognition of this proficiency.


Thursday, May 23, 2019


5:30 – 7:00 PM


Light refreshments and soft drinks during the reception




WSU Wine Science Center, 359 University Drive, Richland, WA 99354 (Reception: Atrium | Awards/Presentation: Room 202)

Online Registration

Help us provide more scholarships and outreach activities! If you would like to contribute to CCHPS scholarships and support CCHPS's various professional and public outreach activities, please consider a donation. We are 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and all your contributions are fully tax deductible.