CCHPS Technical Meeting
January 2019
Herb Parker, Health Physics, and Hanford: The Story of a Legend
Presented by Ron Kathren
Come join us as a past president of both the Health Physics Society and the American Academy of Health Physics chronicles the life and legacy of Herbert M. Parker and how his contributions have impacted the parallel professions of medical and health physics. Herbert Parker was personally selected as the best possible choice to cope with the extraordinary problems associated with plutonium production at Hanford plutonium production site to which he transferred in the summer of 1944. Here, Parker developed a highly successful radiation protection program. He calculated the first DAC, derived for plutonium, and new quantities and units for physical and biological dose that live on today as the direct ancestors of the modern gray and sievert. Remaining at Hanford after the war, he was instrumental in creating and managing the Hanford Laboratories whose contributions to radiological health and environmental protection ones, achieved world renown.
Tuesday January 22, 2019
Reservations are accepted until January 21, 2019 (COB)
5:30 – 6:15 pm Dinner & Social
6:15 - 7:00 pm Presentation
Olive Garden Catering
Grilled Chicken
Italian Sausage
Spaghetti & Fettuccine Pasta
Alfredo, Meat Sauce & Marinara
Fresh Baked Breadsticks
$22.00 per person
NOTE: Members who do not cancel their RSVP by January 21, 2019 (COB) will be held responsible for the cost of attendance
NV5, Conference room, 1835 Terminal Drive, Suite 200, Richland, WA 99354
Online Registration
Fill our the registration form below
Pay online with a credit/debit card or PayPal, or at the event with a check or cash