CCHPS Technical Meeting

January 2020

Tour: In Vivo Radiobioassay and Research Facility

Presented by Timothy Lynch


Come join the CCHPS for a tour of the In Vivo Radiobioassay and Research Facility (IVRRF) in downtown Richland! Tim Lynch, CCHPS 2019 Herbert M. Parker Award winner, will be conducting the tour. The social hour/dinner will be held at Tommy’s Tap House & Bistro, just a short walk from the IVRRF. The 3,232 square foot facility is located in Richland and houses shielded counting rooms, measurement systems and support areas used to perform the in vivo measurements. Tim will cover a bit of the history of the program and facility during the tour. He will provide a tour of the counting rooms and equipment, and give an overview of the software systems. Tim will also show us the calibration phantoms used at the facility.

Timothy Lynch has over 40 years of health physics experience, including nuclear medicine, radiation safety, and radiological engineering.  He has served as the Health Physics Society Standards chairman of the working group for the ANSI N13.35 standard, “Specifications for the Bottle Manikin Absorption Phantom.”  Issued 1999, Revision 1 issued in 2010. He also served as the Health Physics Society Standards Committee, chairman of the N13 Internal Dosimetry section from November 2009-November 2012.

Tim has been involved with the in vivo monitoring program at Hanford since 1990. He has developed the direct bioassay program at Hanford to what is often referred to by the Department of Energy’s Laboratory Accreditation Program (DOELAP) as the gold standard for vivo monitoring of workers at DOE sites. Tim is also a DOELAP assessor, tasked with evaluating DOE sites for DOELAP accreditation.  In addition to leading the direct bioassay program at Hanford, Timothy has been involved in over 35 published articles and has been a technical reviewer for manuscripts submitted to the Health Physics Journal and the Radiation Protection Dosimetry journal since 1995. He has been a member of the Health Physics Society since 1980 and a long standing member of the Columbia Chapter of the Health Physics Society.”


Thursday, January 16, 2020

Reservations are accepted until Tuesday, January 14.


5:45 – 6:30 PM  Dinner & Social

6:30 - 7:15 PM  Tour


Tommy’s Tap House & Bistro


$17.50 per person

NOTE: Members who do not cancel their RSVP by January 14, 2020 will be held responsible for the cost of attendance


Dinner & Social:  Tommy’s Tap House & Bistro, 1312 Lee Blvd, Richland, WA 99352

Tour:  In Vivo Radiobioassay and Research Facility (IVRRF), 805 Goethals Dr., Richland, WA  99352

Online Registration

Step 1: Fill out the online registration form

Step 2: Pay reservation fee online with a credit card, debit card, or PayPal; or at the event with a check or cash