CCHPS Business Meeting
April 2023
CCHPS Special Election Virtual Meeting
You are invited to attend a special virtual meeting of the Columbia Chapter of the Health Physics Society (CCHPS) at 6PM on April 5, 2023. The purpose of the meeting is to conduct a special election to fill the Secretary and Treasurer positions for the remainder of the term ending in July 2023.
The special election is necessary for the CCHPS conduct business including the annual election of officers. We need 30% of the active CCHPS members to constitute a quorum for the special election. The Special Election will be conducted under Article V- Administration, Section 4 of the Bylaws of the Columbia Chapter of the Health Physics Society.
Active and inactive members will receive an invitation to the virtual meeting. However, only active members will receive electronic ballots during the meeting. If your membership is not active, please renew your membership.
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
6:00 – 7:30 pm
How to attend
An email was sent out to all active and inactive members of the Chapter. If you are a present of past member of the CCHPS, did not receive this email, and would like to participate in the business meeting, please contact us.
The Special Election Process
The Acting Chairperson (CCHPS President) of the meeting shall cause the election of a Temporary Chairperson who in turn shall convene those members of the Nominating Committee who are present. In the event that one or more of the members of the Nominating Committee are not present, the Temporary Chairperson shall appoint proxies for the absentee members. The Nominating Committee as now constituted shall select one or more nominees for all vacated elective positions in accordance with the provision of Article VI, Section 4, of the Bylaws hereinafter provided. The Temporary Chairperson shall present the names of the nominees to the membership at the meeting allowing additional nominations from the floor. After the nominations are closed, a secret ballot shall be taken, and a majority vote of thirty (30) percent or more of the active membership shall participate in the election. In the event that a majority vote is not obtained on the first ballot, the name of the individual receiving the least number of votes shall be dropped from the ballot and balloting shall continue in this manner until a majority vote is obtained. Persons elected under this Section of the Bylaws shall take office immediately, and the Temporary Chairperson of the meeting at which time the office of Temporary Chairperson is dissolved.
2023 Special Election Results
Martin Sefl
Michelle Kovach